Let’s spread the word

Printable resources: Help spread the word by downloading, printing and distributing flyers and handouts. Hand them to your neighbours. Put them in mailboxes. Tuck them under windshield wipers. Email them to friends and family.

Signs: Order a sign for $25 each and we will deliver it to you. See below for ordering instructions.

T-shirts: Cost: $20 each. Sizes: S M L XL See below for ordering instructions.

Ordering instructions: Send payment via e-transfer to Marilyn at glimmer2@eastlink.ca. In the message section, include number of signs, number of T-shirts and sizes, and where they should be delivered to. In person delivery only.

Donations: This is a community effort. Any donation, large or small, is welcome. E-transfer Marilyn at glimmer2@eastlink.ca

For general inquiries, contact us by email: info@dreamsouthdelta.ca Follow our Facebook profile: Dream South Delta

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