What we support
We support the redevelopment of the Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall site.
We support housing options.
We support a new library.
We support new businesses and services.
We support increased density—but only to a maximum of 200 residential units per hectare as per the wisdom of the previous Official Community Plan.
We do not support such an aggressive form of densification. We believe this proposal, if approved, would have significant negative impacts on our community for generations to come. Instead, we support sensible growth with reasonable density.
Dream South Delta does not believe the redevelopment proposal is worth the traffic congestion, strain on public utilities, and urban havoc that residents would have to endure on a daily basis due to such high density.
Our Stance at a Glance
✅ YES to redevelopment of this site.
❌ NO to a 517% increase in density of this site.
✅ YES to six-storey mid-rise residential buildings.
❌ NO to towers.
✅ YES to sensible growth.
❌ NO to unnecessary strain on traffic, schools, Delta Hospital, and more.
✅ YES to town character.
❌ NO to urban chaos.
Dream South Delta’s steering committee is Andrew Boyce, Tanya Hawke, Marilyn Murray, Kristin Roberts, Mark Schoeffel, Andrew Turner and Bev Yaworski.
Contact us by email: info@dreamsouthdelta.ca Follow our Facebook profile: Dream South Delta